zulutrade-social-copy-trading-ecn-mt4-platform zulutrade-social-copy-trading-ecn-mt4-platform

Registration: ZuluTrade Easy Signup

A. How to Log In

To log in, just enter your ZuluTrade username or the email you used to register, and your password.

B. How to Register

When you sign up, you’ll get a free demo account. This demo account works just like a real account, letting you try out trading without any risk. Here’s what you can do:

  • Use the same features as a real account.
  • See real-time market rates.
  • Set your own risk levels.
  • Start practicing today!

Go to ZuluTrade Official Website

Steps After Registering:

Fill in Your Personal Details:
After signing up, you’ll need to enter details like your name, country, and phone number. Remember, you can’t change your email address later yourself, but ZuluTrade can help via email at support@zulutrade.com. Make sure your email is the same one you use with your broker for smooth operation.
Set Up Your Broker Account:
You can either link an existing trading account (like MT4, MT5, ActTrader, or XOH) or create a new one with ZuluTrade’s partner brokers by following the steps provided. If your broker isn’t listed, select “Other Brokers” and provide additional details.
Important: Use your main trading account password, not the read-only password. If you don’t have your account details, contact your broker.
Connect or Create a New Broker Account:
If you want to create a new broker account through ZuluTrade, follow the on-screen instructions. For some brokers, you’ll need to visit their website to set up the account then come back to ZuluTrade to connect it.
Remember: If you change your broker password, you’ll need to reconnect your broker account to ZuluTrade with the new password.

Go to ZuluTrade Official Website

C. Fees

Using a Live Trading Account to copy trades doesn’t cost a subscription fee. The ZuluTrade platform is available for free to anyone who has a trading account linked with a cooperating broker.

A. Dashboard Overview

On your main dashboard, you’ll find key information such as your account equity, profit and loss (PnL), return on investment (ROI), and a performance chart. You’ll also see which leaders you’re copying in your trades and the details of those trades. If you have more than one trading account, you can switch between them using the account selector to view specific information.

B. My Trades

In this section, you’ll find trades placed by the leaders you’re copying and any trades you’ve made yourself. It shows your current earnings or losses for each trade. Trades are categorized into open, pending, and closed trades.

  • Trade Details: Clicking on a trade will display more information, such as the trade and broker ticket IDs, which are necessary if you need to contact ZuluTrade about a specific trade.
  • Update an open or pending trade: Modify the stop loss or take profit settings or adjust buy/sell rates. Any updates will overwrite existing settings but won’t affect new updates from leaders.
  • Close an open trade: You can close any open trade through a confirmation window.
  • Cancel a pending order: This also involves a confirmation window, and the order will disappear from your list once confirmed.

Go to ZuluTrade Official Website

C. My Leaders

This area shows the leaders you are copying. Clicking on a leader displays your PnL, ROI, the investment in that leader, and details of the trades they’ve made on your behalf.

Copied Trades:
Like your own trades, you can manage these—update or close them as needed.
Update Strategy:
Adjust the investment settings for a leader’s strategy, such as the investment amount, copy ratio, and take profit settings.
Stop Copying Strategy:
You can opt to stop copying a leader’s strategy. If there are open trades at that time, you’ll decide whether to keep or close them.


Access all leaders available for copying from the Leaders’ tab. Review their trading statistics, and start copying a leader by setting your investment preferences, such as the investment amount and copy ratio.


This is where you manually place trades. You can view real-time prices, buy or sell instruments, and set trade parameters like stop loss and take profit.


Engage with other ZuluTrade users, follow discussions, create posts, and track specific topics or leaders. Use this space to connect with the community and enhance your trading knowledge.

Go to ZuluTrade Official Website

Account Settings

  • My Profile: Available only on mobile, showing your account overview, community posts, and more.
  • Watchlist: Keep an eye on your preferred markets and leaders, and adjust your watchlist as needed to stay on top of changes.
  • Security Settings: Change your password or set up biometric login on mobile devices.
  • Display Currency: Choose a display currency for viewing your balance and statistics.


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