Find 11 Fun facts about Nestlé "Get a Taste of What This Company Has to Offer"
Nestlé the company with the largest revenues in the world.
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We’ve just added a bunch of Swiss shares to the iFOREX platform, and to celebrate this fact, we’d like to provide you with some interesting information about one of them. So, here are just 11 fun, interesting facts about Nestlé.
- Nestlé is It’s the world’s largest food company in terms of revenues
- It has a market capitalization value of about is also the largest $247 billion (as of May 2015)
- The company is very diversified, and has over 2,000 brands ranging from baby formulas to ice-cream and healthcare products
- Even more impressive is the fact that 29 of those brands generate annual sales of more than $1 billion. They include Nespresso, Smarties, Nesquik and Kit Kat
- Nestlé employees more than 300,000 people worldwide
- In 2015, Nestlé sold gold-coated Kit Kats in Japan, putting Willi Wonka to shame
- The company’s most popular category is – wait for it – beverages. ‘Powdered and liquid beverages’ to be exact. The next category in lien is ‘milk products and ice cream’
- It was founded in 1866 (under a different name), making it 150 years old
- The first product sold by the company was baby food: Henri Nestlé’s Infant Cereal
- The inventor of the Chocolate Chip Cookie, Ruth Graves Wakefield, sold the recipe to Nestle in return for $1 – and a lifetime supply of Nestlé chocolate
- Nestlé is one of the main shareholders of L’Oreal which is, in case you forgot, the biggest cosmetics company in the world
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