HotForex to stop offering Corn & Wheat on MT4, Setting them to "Close Only" mode
Closed only mode for Corn and Wheat from April 28th 2017.
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HotForex is going to change the Trading Mode on Commodity CFD offered on its MT4 platform.
The affected financial instruments are Corn and Wheat, and these symbols will be placed into close-only mode.
The change will be made from 21:15 server time on the 21st of April.
This means that you will no longer be able to open new trades on the instruments.
Please note if you have pending orders on the above instruments and the price entry level is triggered the orders will be cancelled.
Furthermore HotForex would like to inform you that all current open positions on the above instruments will expire on the 28th of April at market close, 21:15.
The instruments will be removed from the server and no longer available for trading.
For more information or inquiries, please contact HotForex support team.