The list of Trading Server Addresses of FXTM's Live and Demo account
See the list of Trading Server Addresses of FXTM's Live and Demo account which you can use to login to the platforms.
The full list of MT4 trading servers for FXTM clients can be found in here!
- Trading Server Addresses of FXTM’s Live and Demo
- Execution Speed and Server Selection
- FXTM’s Execution Speed
Trading Server Addresses of FXTM’s Live and Demo
When you open an account with FXTM, you will be provided with the complete login credentials including:
- Account Number
- Password(both Trader and Investor)
- Server Name
You can also type the server address directly on MT4, to login to your account. (in case you are having trouble logging into your account for some reason)
Here is the list of available trading servers provided by FXTM.
Account Type | LIVE | DEMO |
Standard Account |
Cent Account |
Shares Account | Same as for Standard account | Same as for Standard Demo account |
ECN Zero |
ECN Account |
FXTM ECN MT5 (live and demo) |
FXTM Pro (live and demo) |
For the comparison of FXTM MT4 and MT5 trading platforms, visit the page here.
For the list and comparison of FXTM’s all trading account types, visit the page here.
Execution Speed and Server Selection
The trading server that you can use for your trading account is normally specified.
Each trading server has different ping, the latency of the connection from your device.
If you are allowed to select, then you may choose the one with the lowest ping, as in the trading server with the fastest connection speed.
The value of ping may change depending on the location you are in.
In regards to the execution speed, the speed of your interest connection also affect directly.
The trading servers which you can use for your accounts are specified and sent to your email address.
FXTM’s Execution Speed
FXTM reveals the speed of execution per account type monthly.
As shown in the tale below, the speed of order execution is the fastest in the Pro account type.
With FXTM, you can choose from 6 account types and each of them as different advantages for investors.
For the list and comparison of FXTM’s all account types, visit the page here.
With FXTM, you can also manage your accounts, funds and trade online through FXTM Trader mobile app.
For more information about FXTM Trader mobile app, visit the page here.