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We haven’t talked about the Brexit aftermath in a while, but this doesn’t mean that calmness and tranquility has spread through the European continent. In fact, the UK referendum is only the first of many potential obstacles the EU is facing and over the coming year there are several elections that could play a major role in the future of the union.

Think we’re exaggerating? Just look at the facts: In what’s left of 2016 and 2017, countries that are responsible for roughly 40% of the EU economy will head to the polls in 2017. Needless to say, some could have a bigger impact than others and here are just a few examples.

September 4th and 18th 2016: German state elections

The elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Berlin will offer important clues on the country’s sentiment and the potential opposition to Angela Merkel.

September 11th 2016: Croatian parliamentary election

Croatians are going to the polls, again, in less than a year, following the unsurprising collapse of the unstable coalition formed following the elections in November 2015. The elected leaders will need to first cut the deficit and find a way to bring the country out of the hard recession.

September 25th 2016: Regional elections, Spain’s Basque Country

The Basque nationalists’ demands will put the struggling constitutional model to the test.

October 2nd 2016: Austrian presidential election

Will Austria’s far-right Freedom Party overcome Green Party-backed candidate Alexander Van Der Bellen and other traditional parties?

October 2nd 2016: Hungary referendum

Hungarians will vote on whether the EU will should be able to make Hungary accept migrants without the consent of the country’s parliament. This might lead to an EU exit vote. A Hunxit, perhaps? Well, there’s still plenty of time to decide on the term.

October 9th 2016: Lithuanian parliamentary election

Even though the Social Democrats are still ahead in polls, this election might allow the Green Union and the populist Lithuanian Peasants to enter the coalition.

October 2016: Czech regional elections

This is a test to Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka’s power in his own Social Democratic party.

Maybe October 2016: The Italian referendum

Italians will vote on the Democratic Party’s plan to take away the upper house of parliament’s ability to bring down governments. This means the number of senators would be cut by about 60%. The results could determine the political future of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

November or December 2016: The Romanian parliamentary election

Romania has displayed the second-fastest economic growth in the EU and has taken steps such as tax-cuts and wage increases to support the country’s fiscal stability. All this could be at stake if the Social Democratic party fails to win.

March 15th 2017: Dutch parliamentary election

Will the far-right populist Freedom Party get an attempt in forming a government? The party’s leader Geert Wilders has formally called for a referendum on leaving the EU and closing the borders. According to polls, a Dutxit is unlikely, but as we saw with the Brexit case, all bets are off.

April and May: French presidential election

This is a huge challenge for Francois Hollande. Will he even run? The election will also show how the country refers to immigration and anti-EU sentiments.

May 4th 2017: U.K. local elections

This is the first significant electoral test for Prime Minister Theresa May. The elections in Scotland are also important, as the Scottish National Party is considering a second independence referendum.

May 7th and 14th 2017: German regional elections, Schleswig-Holstein and North-Rhine Westphalia

In the Social Democrats lose to Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is traditionally their strongest base, this could mean good news for the CDU in September’s parliamentary elections.

September 2017: German Parliamentary Elections

Will Merkel run for a fourth term? If so, it’ll be the ultimate test for the position of Europe’s most powerful leader. A change in the chancellery is bound to have an effect on Europe’s politics. It is also unclear if the CDU-led bloc or the Social Democrats can form a coalition without turning to a grand coalition.

Needless to say, for online traders such elections could be extremely important, as they have the power to impact the price of currencies, commodities, shares and indices. Remember to stay informed and follow the polls and results. Take advantage of opportunities and stay ahead of the market.



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