
This Trading Contest has ended its release period. Please check LMFX's latest information and campaign on LMFX's company introduction page.

Trading Contest Details

Prizes 1,000 USD monthly & 100,000 USD annually
Available to Both New and Existing Clients
Contest Dates Every month
CFD Service. Your capital is at risk.

There is a new page available for this promotion, Please visit the page below.

New! LMFX Ultimate Traders Contest

LMFX is running a real/live trading contests for its traders.

You can join them free and trade as usual.

The most profitable trader will be the ultimate trader of the month and earn 1,000 USD and Top Trader’s Points.

How to join the contest

  1. Open a real/live account with LMFX
  2. Join the contest by registering your account number from website
  3. Trade and make profits as much as you can

The prize of the Contest

Only the first trader who won the first prize will be awarded with real money, 1,000 USD.

The contest award is available only for trading purpose. You can not withdraw the credited amount.

LMFX Top Traders Points

Every month, 10 top traders are awarded with the LMFX Top Traders Points.

The trader who has achieved to acquire more points than other at the end of the calendar year, will be awarded with 100,000 USD.

The LMFX Top Traders Points are provided monthly as follows:

Contest Ranking LMFX Top Traders Points
1st Prize 20 points
2nd Prize 16 points
3rd Prize 12 points
4th Prize 10 points
5th Prize 9 points
6th Prize 8 points
7th Prize 7 points
8th Prize 6 points
9th Prize 5 points
10th Prize 4 points

*The closing day of this “LMFX Top Traders Points” competition is the 31st December at 23:59:59 server time.

Terms and Conditions

  • Each round of the contest starts from the first business day of the month at 00:05:00 server time and ends last day of the month
  • To join the contest, you need to register from LMFXConnect until the 7th day of the month
  • You can register only one account for the contest but not multiple accounts
  • To be eligible for this contest, you need to have more than 500 USD in your account
  • The top ten traders will be displayed in the official website in public
  • The top traders will be selected according to the gain in % in the accounts
  • Only the trader who won the first prize is awarded with 1000 USD
  • The contest prizes can not be withdrawn
  • In case you make a withdrawal request from the account where you have received any contest awards, the whole amount of the awards will be nullified immediately
  • Top ten traders displayed in its official website at the end of the month will be awarded with LMFX Top Traders Points
  • To be eligible for the yearly contest, you need to join at least 6 contest rounds and make more than 10 trades in each round
  • All accounts which have joined the contest will be automatically included in the contest next month
  • Once you have received the yearly contest award 100,000 USD, the leverage will be fixed to 1:50 and cannot be changed
  • Once you have received the yearly contest award 100,000 USD, stop out will be triggered as when the account balance goes below 80,000 USD which will liquidate(close) all open positions and withdraw the whole amount by LMFX
  • The trader of the year who are awarded with 100,000 USD can earn 20% as success fees on a high water mark basis


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