Stock Market Data - A city worker Analysing stock market data on a monitor. Stock Market Data - A city worker Analysing stock market data on a monitor.

These are the releases that often drive significant movements for currencies, indices, commodities and more.

Stay up to date with the events that move the trading needle.

All times are GMT+2.
Time Symbol Name Prediction Last result
14:30 USD ($) Average Hourly Earnings (YoY) (Oct) 3.1% 2.8%

The Average Hourly Earning released by the US Department of Labor is a significant indicator of labor cost inflation and of the tightness of labor markets.

The Federal Reserve Board pays close attention to when setting interest rates.

A high reading is also positive for the USD, while a low reading is negative.

Time Symbol Name Prediction Last result
14:30 USD ($) Nonfarm Payrolls (Oct) 190K 134K

The nonfarm payrolls released by the US Department of Labor presents the number of new jobs created during the previous month, in all non-agricultural business.

The monthly changes in payrolls can be extremely volatile, due to its high relation with economic policy decisions made by the Central Bank.

Job creation is an important leading indicator of consumer spending, which accounts for a majority of overall economic activity.

Time Symbol Name Prediction Last result
14:30 CAD ($) Unemployment Rate (Oct) 5.9% 5.9%

The Unemployment Rate released by the Statistics Canada is the number of unemployed workers divided by the total civilian labor force.

It is a leading indicator for the Canadian Economy.

If the rate is up, it indicates a lack of expansion within the Canadian labor market. As a result, a rise leads to weaken the Canadian economy.

Normally, a decrease of the figure is seen as positive (or bullish) for the CAD, while an increase is seen as negative or bearish.

Time Symbol Name Prediction Last result
14:30 CAD ($) Net Change in Employment (Oct) 10.0K 63.3K

The employment Change released by the Statistics Canada is a measure of the change in the number of employed people in Canada.

Generally speaking, a rise in this indicator has positive implications for consumer spending which stimulates economic growth.

Therefore, a high reading is seen as positive, or bullish for the CAD, while a low reading is seen as negative or bearish.



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4.3 rating based on 178 ratings
4.3/5 178


2.5 rating based on 175 ratings
2.5/5 175


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3.9/5 126


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3.9/5 199


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4.2/5 3330


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4.3/5 42


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3.9/5 7148


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3.8/5 6919