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FXPrimus has provided the summary of important Market Indicators that you may want to focus on this week.

This week’s Indicators

This coming week investors will focus on Friday’s jobs report as this will impact Fed’s view on policy while their attention will turn to the 2nd quarter GDP growth, on Wednesday.

Meanwhile in Europe, Eurostat will release its inflation figures on Thursday, followed by German, French, Italian and the Spanish own CPI reports.

In addition, UK will publish its latest manufacturing data on Friday, after China’s Caixin manufacturing PMI report.



A quiet session as UK banks are closed for the Summer Bank Holiday.

The starting of the week has no major economic events scheduled and could be quiet as the most liquid market – London -will be closed. Brokers will remain open and in the wake of the latest remarks of last Friday at the Jackson Hole Symposium, there is a possibility for some market volatility to support participants’ positions.


Statistics Canada will release their RPMI report while CB will report on consumer confidence.

On Tuesday, volatility could be higher than Monday as market participants will be able to take advantage of the Raw Materials Price Index (RPMI) monthly data release at 12:30 GMT while later they could participate in the Conference Board’s report of Consumer Confidence at 14:00 GMT.


A busy day all-around with releases from Australia, Europe, UK and U.S. On Wednesday volatility is expected to be high starting with Australia’s Building approvals and Construction work reports at 01:30 GMT.

This will be followed by German and Spanish PMI reports and UK’s Net Private Lending from BoE, which will be released at 08:30 GMT.

The highlight for the day will be the U.S revised data on the 2nd quarter GDP released after the ADP Jobs report while EIA will also release it latest stocks numbers at 14:30 GMT.


Another busy session as China, NZ, Australia, Euro-zone, Canada and U.S are expected to release important figures. Investors could take advantage of opportunities starting with the Asian session and the Chinese data on Manufacturing and Services sectors at 01:00 GMT.

New Zealand’s Business Confidence will be released at the same time.

In addition, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will release data on Private Capital Expenditure while hours later, from 06:00 onward, Euro is expected to be volatile as German Retail Sales, the French CPI, German and Italian Unemployment data and lastly Eurozone’s Core CPI reports will be released.

Canada will follow with its own monthly GDP data at 12:30 GMT while at the same time U.S Jobless Claims will came out too along with the Core PCE and Personal Spending reports.

The session will close with the Chicago PMU and Pending Home Sales at 13:45 and 14:00 GMT respectively.


A busy round-up for the favorite NFP but also important releases from China and UK.

The day all investors will be waiting for starts with the Chinese manufacturing PMI early in the Asian Session at 01:45 GMT while later at 08:30 GMT UK will publish data on its latest Manufacturing PMI.

At 12:30 GMT market participants could take advantage of the long-waited Jobs report and later, at 13:45, the ISM Manufacturing PMI release and the Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment reads.



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