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PaxForex MT4 provides only “Floating” Spread

PaxForex has chosen only floating (variable) spread for all account types.

By using floating price quotes, investors of PaxForex can benefit from tighter spread than the fixed spread.

PaxForex eliminates any unnecessary cost and trading commissions.

All PaxForex’s trading accounts have no extra trading commissions, but the cost is only the spread.

For the comparison of account types available with PaxForex, please visit the page here.

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Comparison of Spread Condition on PaxForex MT4 account types

PaxForex has 4 different account types to offer and each of them has different trading conditions and costs.

Please refer to the below table for the comparison of trading cost and spread.

Account Types Cent Mini Standard VIP
Required Minimum Deposit $10 $100 $2,000 $10,000
Account Base Currencies USD USD, EUR, GBP USD, EUR, GBP USD, EUR, GBP
Minimum Forex Spread 2.4 pips 1.4 pips 0.4 pips 0.4 pips
Trading Commission None None None None
VPS Service $25 per month $25 per month $25 per month Free
Islamic Swap Free Account Not Available Available Available Available

The maximum leverage is the same for all account types. See more about PaxForex’s leverage conditions in the page here.

Note that the minimum Forex spread specified above is not applicable for CFDs (Stocks, Cryptocurrencies and Metals).

Which account type suits you trading style?

For more information, visit PaxForex Official Website.

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No Extra Commissions

PaxForex strives to offer its traders with the lowest possible trading cost.

PaxForex doesn’t only offer you with tight spread, but has no extra trading commissions or hidden fees to traders.

Only cost you must cover when trading with PaxForex is the spread, the difference of bid and ask prices.

Through PaxForex MT4, the cost of trading is always clear as shown on the platform in real time.

PaxForex uses stable Equinix servers in London and New York for fast execution to eliminate slippage as much as possible.

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Spread can be widened at anytime

On PaxForex MT4, the market prices will show the tightest spread possible with no extra commission.

It is possible because PaxForex adopts the Floating spread which brings the real market feeds to the platforms directly.

While you can benefit from such advantage, you should also be aware of possible high volatility in market prices and widened spread due to the market condition.

Slippage happens when the liquidity at certain market price is thin, and has no space to execute your orders.

PaxForex’s trading server will then find the next possible market price to execute your orders instantly, thus causing the differences of the price of the execution and the ordered price.

Slippage is a very common thing in all financial markets and it will happen with any online brokers with floating spread.

Have you already received PaxForex’s 100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus? If not, find out how to get the bonus in the page here.

Details of PaxForex 100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus

For the list of all fund deposit and withdrawal methods of PaxForex, visit the page here.

PaxForex uses Equinix servers to reduce latency

While offering fine trading conditions, promotions and tools for its traders, PaxForex’s main focus also includes the execution quality and speed.

The quality of order execution is one very important factor which directly impact traders’ profit and loss.

PaxForex has setup the trading servers in London (Equinix LD4) and New York (Equinix NY4) which directly connects PaxForex traders and the market liquidity providers.

The price feeds on PaxForex MT4 will be sent through fibre optic cables to bypass internet congestion.

On PaxForex MT4, you will see the price feeds in real time and ensures that all orders are executed fast without delays.

More importantly, PaxForex’s fast and high quality execution is provided to all traders regardless of the size of investment and through any types of devices.

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How the faster execution will help reduce the trading cost?

PaxForex’s trading servers (London Equinix LD4 and New York Equinix NY4) will achieve fast and stable connection to place orders on MT4.

With the constant and fast connect of PaxForex’s servers, your orders are always executed instantly without delays.

With the condition, you can also minimize the possibility of slippage of your orders.

Slippage is a common situation where your order is executed at the different price than the requested price due to the lack of market liquidity at that time.

There is a lot of different causes of slippage, but slippage often happens when there is a delay in server connection.

On PaxForex MT4, you do not have to worry about it because the connection between the server and PaxForex MT4 is instant and the system will find the available liquidity in the market as soon as you place the order.

The condition of PaxForex’s fast execution is the same for all account types and traders.

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NBP with High Leverage up to 1:500

One of PaxForex’s advantages is the high leverage which is up to 1:500.

PaxForex’s high leverage will let you invest in higher amount of order volume with small amount of supporting margin.

For instance, you can place an order which is worth $5000 with only $10 of available margin (fund) in your account.

PaxForex’s high leverage will involve higher risks comparing to the when you invest with lower leverage, but PaxForex haven’t forgot about traders’ risks management.

For all accounts and traders, PaxForex supports NBP (Negative Balance Protection) which protects traders from exceeded losses.

Note that PaxForex’s 1:500 high leverage is provided for trading of Forex currency pairs. For trading of other currency pairs, the leverage is limited. For more information about the condition of leverage, please visit the page here.

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How does NBP work?

PaxForex’s NBP, or Negative Balance Protection is triggered when the account balance goes below zero, as in negative.

Your account balance with PaxForex can go negative when the volatility of market price is extremely high, even though PaxForex’s system will first trigger the stop out to avoid further losses.

In such case, PaxForex will adjust the account balance to zero, according to the NBP policy.

With PaxForex’s NBP, your loss is always limited to the maximum account balance.

Combining PaxForex’s high leverage and the NBP, you can trade more effectively and with confident.

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Minimize the risk exposure to avoid unnecessarily loss

When trading Forex and CFDs online, one of the first things you must do is setting up “Stop Loss” which will limit the amount of loss at certain desired price in case the market price goes against your expectation.

Alternatively, you can also limit the size of your investment.

As PaxForex supports NBP, your loss is limited to the maximum deposit amount.

It is important that you never deposit more than you can afford to lose regardless of how much you are confident to make profit but not loss.

Online Forex market is full of opportunity but involves certain risks, and we never know how the market will move in the future.

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Zero Commission on Deposit and Withdrawal

PaxForex does not charge fees on fund deposit.

On your PaxForex MT4 account, the full deposit amount you have sent to PaxForex will be credited directly.

You only need to cover the fees charged by the payment providers such as intermediary banks, card companies and e-wallet companies.

Even the fees by payment providers, PaxForex will cover if your deposit amount is over $300.

With PaxForex, the deposit is done automatically through API connection on the Client Area.

You can login to PaxForex client area from PaxForex Official Website.

More than 90% of fund deposit are processed within 7 minutes with PaxForex.

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Are my funds safe with PaxForex?

As a regulated and licensed broker, PaxForex ensures that all deposited funds are held in the segregated bank accounts in Europe.

The segregated bank account is completely separated from PaxForex’s operation and the company’s fund.

This condition makes sure that your funds are used only for the purpose of your trading activity.

No one touches your funds but only you can do it, thus your fund withdrawal is processed very fast.

With PaxForex, 75% of fund withdrawals are processed within 30 minutes.

PaxForex also encrypts the client are with SSL technology (Secure Socket Layer), so your funding activity and personal information are safe and stay confidential at all times.

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Get 100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus to increase your Profit

If you have decided to start trading Forex with PaxForex, you may want to participate in their bonus promotions.

One of PaxForex’s main promotions is the “100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus” which credits bonus as your extra margin for 12 months.

The bonus will be available only for trading purpose, and can be used as supporting margin to open larger size of positions in your accounts.

Find out more about PaxForex’s 100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus promotion here.

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How does receiving the bonus will help minimize the trading cost?

Once you confirm your participate in PaxForex’s 100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus, your account will continue receiving the bonus for the next 12 months.

The extra bonuses will be credited monthly as long as you meet certain conditions.

Instead of making additional deposits, the bonus will be credited to support your trading further.

Participate in the 100% Loyalty Deposit Bonus, minimize your deposit amount thus lowering the risk exposure.



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