Open-a-Live-Forex-trading-account-with-VantageFX-(MT4-and-MT5) Open-a-Live-Forex-trading-account-with-VantageFX-(MT4-and-MT5)

How to open Forex trading account with VantageFX?

VantageFX is an online Forex and CFD brokerage firm that allow you to invest in hundreds of financial markets through your one trading account.

You can open an account (both live and demo) with VantageFX for free, and start trading immediately once you make a deposit from the client portal.

To open an account with VantageFX, go to the account opening page here.

To open an account with VantageFX and start trading, you need to submit a copy of the documents (your ID and a document that proves your residential address).

You can scan your documents and send them to VantageFX via the client portal or email as you want.

To log in to VantageFX’s client portal, go to VantageFX Official Website.

Do you have any questions about the account opening procedure of VantageFX?

Then check out the frequently asked questions about VantageFX’s account opening process.

Go to VantageFX Official Website

Do you need an Islamic swap-free account? With VantageFX, you can open Islamic Swap-Free account for free.

Financial Markets that you can invest with VantageFX

With VantageFX, you can invest in more than 100 financial markets all together from one trading account.

To invest in different markets and symbols, you don’t need to open multiple trading accounts but you only need to open one trading account.

Visit the page here for the comparison of VantageFX’s all MT4 and MT5 trading account types.

Once you opened your account and made a deposit, you can start monitoring the charts that show the price movements of each market and start placing trades as you want.

What financial markets are the best for trading on VantageFX MT4 and MT5?

See the list and characteristics of each financial market.

VantageFX Broker Service Review

1. FX (Forex) Trading

Forex trading is the price speculation of one currency against another.

The forex market is always traded as a currency pair.

Traders buy and sell one currency against another.

An example of such a transaction is the EUR / USD buy transaction.

With learning and mastering profitable Forex trading strategies, the possibilities are endless.

Due to the importance of managing funds and executing trading strategies, Vantage FX has built the website to include a lot of valuable content at the bottom of the Education page.

Take a look and see what the world of Forex trading can offer you.

The Forex market is the world’s largest financial market, well over $ 4 trillion per day.

Almost all trading in all tradable markets, including futures, fixed income and equity markets, is strongly influenced by forex trading.

All banks, governments, and businesses participate in this highly fluid global Forex market.

Their trading activities create price fluctuations. Forex traders can take advantage of it and make a profit.

All Vantage FX traders can take advantage of global market price volatility with seamless 24-hour access.

Vantage FX provides access to the global Forex market through the powerful MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms.

Let’s open an account right away.

Open VantageFX’s Real or Demo Account

Access major, minor and exotic currency pairs
Vantage FX provides Forex traders with access to the most liquid global Forex markets. Experience true institutional level trading through their extensive FX liquidity pool and become an active Forex trader in the global market.
Forex trading with tight spreads
VantageFX allows traders to minimize their Forex trading costs. Their highly liquid forex trading allows them to offer traders the tightest spreads.
9 ways to connect to MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
You only need to log in to MetaTrader 4 once to access your MT4 trading account anytime, anywhere. By providing traders with fast and stable access to their Forex trading accounts, clients can access their MT4 trading accounts whenever trading opportunities occur, regardless of whether they are trading from a computer or mobile device. Vantage FX is proud to be the industry leader in proposing and implementing smart trading in the Forex industry.
Forex trading with leverage up to 500:1
Access to high leverage is very important for Forex traders. By leveraging higher leverage, traders can approach market movements with low initial speculation. Select exposure to risk with up to 500: 1 Forex leverage. By managing risk and overall exposure, professional Forex traders can always benefit from market volatility. Leverage is the ultimate right-handed tool, allowing smart forex traders to make significant profits in their accounts.
No dealing desk for STP standard and ECN accounts
As a regulated Forex broker, Vantage FX provides transparent access to the global Forex market. VantageFX offers a variety of accounts (STP, RAW ECN, PRO ECN) to accommodate clients of all levels. And without the intervention of a dealing desk, all Forex traders can make big and small profits.
Deposited deposits are safely separated and stored under regulation
Client funds are held by the AA-rated National Australia Bank (NAB). National Australia Bank has always been ranked in the top 20 safest banks in the world, which keeps your funds safe.

Trade Forex with VantageFX

2. Stock Index trading

The MT4, MT5 trading platform gives you instant access to the indexes of the world’s most liquid stock exchanges.

Vantage FX is connected to oneZero ™ MT4 Bridge and boasts the fastest trading speed.

VantageFX also always show traders the right prices, and the prices of all stock indexes are based on the base prices of the corresponding markets.

Trade the most liquid stock index in the world.

Vantage FX provides traders with access to the most liquid stock index markets around the world, including the S & P 500, DAX, FTSE, DJ30 and more.

Vantage FX’s stock index CFDs for Seki investors can be enjoyed by everyone with no fees, fair prices and slightly different spreads.

Open VantageFX’s Real or Demo Account

Fastest stock index trading speed over fiber-optic lines
In order to gain an advantage in stock index trading, it is essential to access the market at the fastest trading speed. Vantage FX is connected to oneZero ™ MT4 Bridge, which is an optical fiber line, and boasts the fastest trading speed, so traders can enjoy the fastest trading environment.
Access to all stock index markets via MT4, MT5
Opening a live account on Vantage FX allows you to trade stock indexes on both MT4 and MT5, the world’s most popular Forex trading platforms. At Vantage FX, you can choose from all the trading styles that suit you, including scalping, hedging, swing trading and the use of the Expert Advisor (EA) that suits you.
Let’s hedge the risk of foreign exchange trading with the stock index trading
There is a strong correlation between the Forex market and the stock index market. Would you like to gain a trading advantage and aim for high profitability by starting trading in these markets?

Trade Stock Indices with VantageFX

3. Energy (Oil and Gas) trading

Energy traders take advantage of price fluctuations in certain commodity markets such as oil, gas, gasoline and heating oil.

Energy commodities are part of the world’s most important markets for pricing our daily consumption.

Of the fuel needed to live what we now consider a normal life.

Products in the energy market support modern society.

From the supply of energy required for the electric power industry to the production, manufacturing, and transportation industries.

If you can name it, you guarantee that you need the energy to create or move it.

If you choose to open a Vantage FX trading account, you can easily trade the energy market on MT4 or MT5.

Whether you’re home trading on your desktop PC or driving in a car that’s literally fueled by the energy market you’re trading in, Vantage FX doesn’t miss your chance.

Invest in Energy CFDs with VantageFX


Also known as “black gold,” speculators have been able to assess the overall health of the global economy through oil prices for centuries.

Explore the crude oil market and enjoy the benefits of increasing the transparency of trading futures market products through the Vantage FX MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms.

Trade in this highly technical market and take advantage of the correlation between commodity, forex, and index markets.

Trade Oil CFD with VantageFX

Natural gas

Natural gas is a natural mixture and is mainly used as a fossil fuel.

It is used as an energy source for cooking and power generation.

Natural gas in the United States is traded as futures contracts, and each contract traded is worth more than $ 100,000.

Natural gas contracts have become a widely popular asset for hedging and pension funds to diversify their commodity portfolios.

Start trading natural gas on Vantage FX.

Trade Natural Gas CFD with VantageFX


Gasoline (also known as gasoline) is a clear petroleum-derived fuel that is primarily used to drive combustion engines.

It is mainly composed of organic compounds and is mixed with additives to form gasoline.

Traded in the futures market and traded in US $ per gallon, Vantage FX provides traders with exposure to both petrol and crude oil via the widely popular MT4 platform.

Start trading gasoline CFDs on MT4 and MT5.

Trade Gasoline CFD with VantageFX

Low sulfur gas oil

Ultra-low sulfur diesel is diesel fuel with a significantly reduced sulfur content.

Since 2006, most of the petroleum-based diesel fuels available in Europe and North America are some form of ultra-low sulfur diesel.

Low Sulfur Gas Oil Futures Contracts were built to enable traders to trade effectively and the real-world hedging market.

The underlying physical market for low sulfur gas oils is diesel barges delivered in the ARA region of Europe, which is used as the pricing standard for all distillate transactions in Europe and beyond.

Invest in Diesel with VantageFX

Cash oil contracts

Vantage FX is now able to offer cash oil contracts for trading on the award-winning MT4 and MT5 platforms using USOUSD and UKOUSD products.

Compared to futures contracts, VantageFX’s cash oil contracts are for traders who do not want to incur monthly rollover fees.

Swap fees are incurred daily.

By choosing an alternative cash oil market, you can trade your oil the way you want.

Invest in Cash Oil Contracts with VantageFX

4. Soft Commodity Trading

Soft Commodities are an exciting new market accessible to Vantage FX traders through the MT4 and MT5 platforms.

This commodity class is known as a very solid market due to a large number of sellers and buyers of tangible assets that support the futures market.

The term soft commodity trading generally refers to something that can grow rather than be mined.

For example, precious metal gold is mined using mining equipment, while soft commodities cocoa can be mined from wood.

The roots of the soft commodities market can be traced back thousands of years and continue to play a major role in the liquidity of futures markets around the world.

These soft commodities were also a way for farmers to protect themselves from natural disasters and earn long-term fixed benefits.

This process created a smooth production process and created opportunities for investors to engage.

The demand for food and clothing-based soft commodities will never run out.

Would you like to open a live account on Vantage FX and trade software products through the MT4 platform?

Invest in Soft Commodity with VantageFX


The word cocoa comes from the Spanish word cacao.

Cocoa is a common name for powders derived from the fruit seeds of the cacao tree and is a well-known raw material for chocolate.

In Spain, it is famous for its nickname “God’s food”.

The cocoa tree is native to the Americas and originates in Central America and parts of Mexico.

Cacao grows only in a limited area of ​​about 20 ° degrees north and south of the equator, and now almost 70% of the world’s production is grown in West Africa.

Due to the geographical concentration of production, cocoa is highly liquid and easy to trade.

Would you like to open a live account on Vantage FX and trade cocoa through the MT4 platform?

Trade Cocoa with VantageFX


Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted coffee beans.

Coffee beans are the fruit seeds of coffee plants.

This plant is native to tropical Africa, originating in Ethiopia and Sudan.

Supported by uninterrupted demand from all over the world, it is being exported from Africa to more than 70 countries around the world one after another.

It is mainly cultivated in the equatorial region.

Open a live account with Vantage FX and access high-demand coffee trading with one touch through the MT4 platform.

Inest in Coffee with VantageFX


Cotton is a soft and fluffy natural fiber.

It has been cultivated from ancient times to the present and is mainly used for clothing.

For this reason, it is also trading in today’s soft commodity market.

Cotton is a shrub that grows naturally in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, including the Americas, Africa and India.

Current estimates of the global production are approximately 25 million tonnes per year, accounting for 2.5% of the world’s arable land.

China is the largest producer of cotton in the world, but most of it is used domestically.

With the addition of the cotton market to the MT4 platform, Vantage FX traders can benefit from a wider range of soft commodities.

Invest in Cotton with VantageFX

Orange juice

Prior to 1947, orange juice was traditionally consumed freshly squeezed.

The orange juice industry as a business always had to worry about the speed of freshly squeezed oranges, and supply shocks were frequent.

The invention of the 1947 soft commodity market “Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice” (FCOJ) set a new standard for the orange juice industry, allowing it to expand into the previously inaccessible international market.

With the addition of the orange juice market to Vantage FX’s MT4 platform, traders will have the opportunity to trade orange juice with unique trading history.

Invest in Orange Juice with VantageFX


Sugar is a general term for sweet and soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used not only in foods but also in the production of biofuels.

As a result, sugar is widely used as a commodity and is one of the most traded soft commodities in the world.

Sugar comes from sugar cane, which is grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

In addition, sugarcane grows well in hot and humid areas, and its supply increases when the weather is affected by typhoons.

With the increasing adoption of biofuels around the world today, Vantage FX traders will be able to take advantage of this growing demand through the MT4 and MT5 platforms.

Invest in Sugar with VantageFX

5. Precious metal trading

Precious metals are rare natural elements and their economic value is highly valued.

In addition to its high value, it is considered one of the most popular transactions in difficult economic conditions.

Vantage FX’s MT4 Trading Account allows you to trade long-term positions in gold and silver.

And it has the advantage of being able to trade in both long and short directions.

One of the reasons why trading and long-term investment are said to be closely related.

The reason is that you can hedge your physical position yourself as the market changes.

Whether you are a trader or an investor, Vantage FX’s MT4 account allows you to hedge predictable trends in trading in the precious metals market.

Invest in Precious Metals with VantageFX

Gold trading

Gold has been used as a protective measure against the risk for centuries.

In today’s highly volatile market environment, adding gold to your portfolio through the Vantage MetaTrader 4 platform can mitigate risks such as an unexpected crash.

All central banks can print money but never make gold.

The fact that the supply of gold is finite means that speculation always occurs here.

Increased volatility is what traders live and prosper.

And that price movement is the driving force for traders’ profits.

Invest in Gold with VantageFX

Silver trading

Unsophisticated investors may call silver the poor gold, but don’t underestimate the power of silver.

Gold and silver prices are closely related, and silver trading offers a number of trading opportunities that are often overlooked by gold trading alone.

Find market advantage while trading silver through Vantage FX MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms.

If you’re looking for opportunities in the clear, liquid commodity market, start trading silver now.

Invest in Silver with VantageFX

Copper trading

Copper is a soft and ductile metal that is processed in a variety of ways and is popular with investors and traders around the world for trading.

Copper trading, like any other metal trading, is popular with investors and traders and is known as one of the indicators of the overall health of the global economy.

Copper is traded on the copper futures market and moves strongly in relation to the Australian and Canadian dollar commodity currencies.

It is generally said that as the demand for copper declines, so does the correlated foreign exchange market.

By trading copper with MT4 / MT5 of Vantage FX, let’s know the correlation between commodities and foreign exchange and gain an advantage.

And start trading copper today.

Invest in Copper with VantageFX

6. Stocks of US companies

Vantage FX provides traders with access to 50 of the largest listed companies in the United States through VantageFX’s equity CFDs.

Leverage is available for VantageFX’s stock CFDs, so you can trade stocks of several major US companies from as little as $ 6 per trade.

In addition, the leverage is 20: 1, so you can start trading with a small amount of money.

Enjoy trading that suits your style with Vantage FX.

Regardless of your trading style, use MT4 to experience trading with Vantage FX, Australia’s leading forex broker.

You can access stock CFDs of large, liquid American companies such as Apple, Google and Coca-Cola.

Vantage FX sets the lowest commissions in the industry to maximize the profits of all traders.

So you can trade stock CFDs for as little as $ 6 per trade.

Traders can buy and sell US stock CFDs directly from the MetaTrader platform.

By identifying market movements due to the high liquidity of the United States, traders of all trading styles, including traders who trade manually and traders who use EA, can use it regardless of short-term, medium-term, or long-term.

You can increase the profitability of trading.



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